The purpose of the Friends of The Pennsylvania Chamber
Orchestra is to support and promote the PCO through
educational, social, and fund-raising activities. It operates as
an auxiliary organization to the orchestra’s Board of Directors.

Membership offers opportunities to meet new friends while
volunteering and contributing to your community.
Membership is open to everyone who has an
interest in the musical culture of our community and who wish to support the performances and programs of the orchestra.

Email info@pachamberorchestra, or call the PCO office (814-234-8313) for more information.

Activities where we need your help:

• Run annual Friends of PCO membership drive and
host the new-member reception.
• Help organize and present the orchestra’s annual
fundraising events such as the Season Kickoff,
Tavern Serenade, and Music Festival at Seven Mountains.
• Plan and run Friends of PCO’s own fundraising events
• Provide hospitality for performers and guest artists.
• Help provide support with ticket sales and concert
receptions and ushering at the concerts.
• Help with orchestra mailings and newsletter production.